7 Ways to Build Credibility With Your Blog

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1. Be of service. As a business owner, the best reason to start a blog is to add value.

For example, if you run a handy man business, why not offer a blog with easy tips for every day, DIY, home fixes? By offering free information that people need on a regular basis you’re giving more reason to be read regularly, thereby growing a network of readers, thus building your credibility, and ultimately positioning yourself as an expert in your field.

When a more complicated job comes around, of course you’ll be the first name thought of.

2. Pick a subject that you’re passionate about. Readers can feel passion and enthusiasm when they read it! That passion will keep people interested. For that reason, pick a topic that is within the theme of your business and that excites you.

For example, Blog Boutique grows and manages the online presence for small businesses. Because I am also an actress in New York City, I have seen so many people fund amazing films that would otherwise never see the light of day had they not used social media to generate excitement and fund their production. Social media has changed the world of marketing and using it to your advantage is a must-do in today’s marketing world. For that reason, I share ways you can use your online presence to grow your business in my blog, Boutique Technique. It’s a subject that excites me, adds value, and fits the theme of my company.

3. Post high-quality content based on keywords. Using a tool like Google Adwords, find out what people are searching for and how it can relate to your theme(s), then craft posts around your research.

Tip: Don’t get so hung up on this. I can smell tactics like this from a mile away, and chances are others can, too. But, sometimes keywords fit seamlessly into your theme, and when they do, awesome!! Don’t, however, not write about something you find important simply because nothing is being posted about it. You could start a viral trend! 😉

4. Post on a consistent basis. This might be the most important tip on here. Your readers need to know when they can expect to read posts from you. This in itself builds trust and credibility. After you’ve established a strong readership, you can get away with posting on a less-consistent basis. But when you are just starting out, consistency is key to reaching and building an audience and growing a library of juicy content.

5. Allow comments on your blog AND reply to them. This makes you part of the discussion and builds the interactive aspect of blogging. The reason social media works is because of this social aspect. So, embrace it and be grateful for it. It will help with the expansion of your service, product, and brand.

6. Reach out to other bloggers. Again, be social! Offer guest posts, comment on their posts and engage in conversation, or link their blog on your blog roll. (A blog roll is a list of links to other blogs that are displayed on the side of your blog.) Building relationships with other bloggers is like networking in the real world, it’s a great way to make connections that can turn into leads or help you grow your network while you help to grow theirs. Great partnerships can be born from social networking, another reason social media is changing the face of marketing.

7. Lastly, provide an “About” page where you share information about who you are and what you’re about. Establishing who you are is a huge reason social media works! People often resonate with you before the business, particularly because there are likely tons of people working in your niche. But, there’s only one person like you.

Good luck!

Snag my top 5 Marketing Musts HERE! 


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