How To Periscope for Your Business. But First, Jon Jacques & His Periscope Magic Brings Happy Tears

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I used to find Periscope a little too similar to having my own reality TV show, something I wasn’t interested in. But the more I read about it, the more blown away I am by how creative people are in the ways they use it!

Did you hear about Jon Jacques? The street magician who quit his day job to Periscope full time? He had been performing street magic as a hobby while working at a video marketing company in New York city. When Periscope was launched, he saw an undeniable opportunity for not only himself, but the betterment of others. Jon has since quit his job in search of “magic moments,” the term he uses to describe the moment he is able to give back to kind and deserving people in need of a helping hand. What’s most impressive? He broadcasts these “magic moments” live on Periscope, so we can witness him making the day/month/year for so many, and how easy it was for him to do so.

Jacques told Mashable he was drawn to Periscope because “it can give anyone a platform to tell their story. It can give people a voice.” As someone who had been passionate about magic since a boy, he chose to share his voice through street magic. He raised money with magic shows in Times Square and rewarded random acts of kindness with what he earned, all LIVE on Periscope.

The buzz grew across social media, rewarding him the #16 slot on Periscope’s Most Loved List Worldwide.

Jacques then took things one step further and raised extra money through crowd funding site,, in an effort to make an even greater impact. His moments of donation are all captured live and will bring you to heart felt tears whilst motivating you to play your part in changing people’s lives. Jacques reminds us that you don’t need to be a celebrity or wealthy to give back, you just need an internet connection and the will to not give up.

If that’s not empowering, I don’t know what is.

Today, Jacques has found a career in public speaking and in magic performance while he continues to influence on the massive social stage he has built for himself. Take a look at the video following this blog to get a taste of what he shares on his channel.

(Source: Digital TrendsMashable)

So, that got me thinking.
How can you use Periscope to build your business?

1. Add Value

You hear me say this all the time, the best way to take advantage of any platform is to add value. So just like you write blogs to offer tips and tricks, why not do it via live broadcast on Periscope?

For instance, if you’re a hair stylist, you can share your favorite at home secret remedy for dry hair. Why not live broadcast the step by step process for your followers? As someone who is always in need of this during the winter, I’d be the first one tuning in. If I’m impressed…I’ll probably hunt you down and beg you to do my very much in need hair!

2. Give them an exclusive peak behind the scenes.

Actors, there is nothing cooler than a behind the scenes tour of your first day on set of the new film you’re filming.

Or, if you own a shop of bath products, what about a behind the scenes look at the soap you’re prepping to put on shelves next month?

Or maybe you’re a real estate agent and you have a home coming on the market but you’re still working on staging. So how about something like: “Hey all! I have a gorgeous new spot coming on the market next week. Take a look at this freshly renovated kitchen and family area. I’m absolutely in love with the morning sun light that fills this kitchen. I can picture breakfast with the kids in this cozy space to be a delight! Don’t forget to check out my website for open house details on Monday!”

You’re letting people know what’s happening and you’re generating buzz.

3. Offer Answers to their burning Questions.

Periscope could be a really cool place to have a Q and A for potential clients.

Maybe you’re a coach and have a program that you’re looking to launch. Why not open Periscope to questions on Monday at 3:00? What an easy way to generate buzz, help people make their decision on whether or not to invest in your course, and save the time it takes to answer all the same questions again and again over email!

4. Collect Qs for your YouTube channel Interviews. (That rhymed =P)

OR, maybe you have a YouTube channel and have an interview with a major influencer coming up.

“Anyone have a question for my interview with Beyonce?” ……………………………….. A girl can dream, right?

5. Gather Data

“Okay folks – we’re launching our new lotion line next month and we’re choosing the bottle! Which is your fave?!”
“Getting my blogging calendar prepped, what do you guys think about these topics? Let me know if there’s something else you want to talk about in the comments.”

Just a few ideas to get the juices flowing.

Are you on Periscope? What’s your handle and what ways have proven most effective for your business? Please share in the comments.

Snag my FREE top 5 Marketing Musts HERE.

Click HERE to watch a campaign video of Jon Jacques that offers a taste of his #MagicMoments. 

Video courtesy of

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